The Yateley Faculties & Extras
- Faculties:
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- Arts
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- Maths
- Humanities
The study of the Arts is as much about the development of creative thinking as it is skills. This has always been the case but in today’s world loaded with visual media it is even more so. A tour round the work of the most successful contemporary artists will show ideas are king. When you study with the Arts Faculty at Yateley you will develop a questioning and analytical mind and find creativity in all around you.
When studying Arts subjects students develop an intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive capability which they use to Investigate, analyse and experiment. These are carried out in all of the arts through the differing types of practical, technical and expressive skills. Clearly Dance differs from Fine Art but both require aesthetic understanding and critical judgement.
We like students to find an Independence of mind through developing, refining and communicating their own ideas, their own intentions and their own personal outcomes. In all arts areas students experience working with a broad range of media within their subject area, and crucially come to appreciate the interrelationships between art, craft and design processes and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate.
The study of the Arts contrasts well with the study of other subjects.